Every Friday, Marcher Lord Press salutes a Christian artist who creates amazing speculative worlds.
Lovers of Christian speculative fiction do not restrict themselves to the amazing worlds depicted by talented authors. We gravitate as well to those artists who can, through their gifts of vision and art, show us worlds and beings we’ve never imagined.
The artist whose gallery is linked to below ushers us to worlds of fantasy, science fiction, and pure speculative wonder.
Frank Hettick
Frank Hettick, who passed away in 2011, was a gracious friend of Marcher Lord Press (and its predecessor site, WhereTheMapEnds.com). Frank’s space art seems to perfectly capture the ethos of Christian speculative fiction. Frank is sorely missed.
Beautiful CGI work, though some of the links aren’t working right. I wish a bigger version of the “galaxy” was available. That one looks breathtaking! From this short selection, he seems like an incredibly talented person.
Would you believe it isn’t CGI, Andrew? I went to Frank’s studio while he was still alive. He painted it all by hand. Then he had this massive machine that would create canvas prints of what he’d painted. Sorry about the non-working links.
It’s so beautiful. I love this picture. He was a genius with paint, wasn’t he?
So good to celebrate a great writer who wrote out side the box
Wow, I had no idea he did that by hand!