Please welcome Paul Regnier. Paul is one of the new authors here at Enclave Publishing. His debut novel, Space Drifters, is part of Enclave’s 2015 summer release list. Along with writing, Paul is a technology junkie and web designer with a fascination for all things futuristic. He has turned his childhood love of storytelling into a professional pursuit. Paul lives in Orange County, CA with his wife and two children.
Thank you, Paul, for joining us today!
1) When did you realize you wanted to become a writer?
In fifth grade we had an assignment to write a short story. To me, that was like an assignment to play with legos. I dove right in and wrote an adventure story with a humorous twist. When I showed up for class the next day, I was in for a shock. The teacher said we had to recite our story in front of the class. I was pretty shy back then, so I was feeling a little panicked.
When it was my turn, I stood in front of my classmates, filled with anxiety, and started reading. To my surprise, when I got to a funny part in the story, the whole class laughed. When I hit the next funny part, they laughed again. My anxiety was replaced with excitement. The class was actually responding to my story. I couldn’t believe it.
It was kind of a breakthrough moment for me. I realized I could do something that rose above my shyness and limitations and effect people in a positive way.
2) What was your favorite book as a teen?
Technically, I was pre-teen but I have to mention The Hobbit because it hit me like a ton of bricks when I read it. I still remember sitting at middle school opening the book for the first time. I felt like I was transported into another dimension. I read for about fifteen minutes completely lost within the pages. I remember the bell rang and suddenly I woke up from my spell.
I’d never had a story so completely overwhelm me before. It’s still one of my favorite books of all time.
3) What were some of the challenges for you writing your book?
Time is always my nemesis. So many ideas, so little time…
4) What are your hopes for your future as an author?
In the future, I plan to write from the bridge of my starship while droids bring me sandwiches. Wait, did I read that question right?
5) What do you want readers to take away from your book?
Overall, I hope the story will bless people. I hope it will lift their spirits and encourage them through humor, adventure, friendship, spiritual insight and courage through adversity.
6) What can you tell us about any future releases you have planned?
I’m in the process of writing the sequel for Space Drifters. If you read the last chapter of Space Drifters: The Emerald Enigma, there’s a teaser for the next book in the series.
7) Star Wars or Star Trek?
Duh, Star Wars! I’m definitely a Star Wars freak. But to be honest, I like Star Trek too. I especially like the original series. Sometimes people try to dismiss the original episodes by making fun of the poor special effects or low budget sets but I think they’re missing the point. To me, the freedom in the imagination of the stories, the unforgettable characters and the commitment of the actors always draws me in and makes me believe they’re space adventurers in the thick of it.
8) Soft shell or Hard Shell tacos?
Yes, please!
9) Favorite season?
I live in Southern California. We don’t have seasons.
10) Do you listen to music while you write? If so what are some examples?
I love music. I play drums (and a little guitar). Music definitely inspires me but when I’m writing, I need silence. That’s why writing at night is ideal. The world slows down and gets quiet. I like to go into a state of sensory deprivation so I forget about myself and get lost in the story world.
Thank you, Paul, for the great interview! Interested in Paul’s debut novel, Space Drifters? You can pre-order now:
And here is where you can find Paul online:
Thank you for the interview, it was a lot of fun!
It’s great to be a part of the awesome team here at Enclave!