Jesus’ parables were allegorical. An allegory is a story where symbolic figures, actions or representations express deeper truths. In the parable of the prodigal son, for instance, the father represents our heavenly Father, while the son represents every person who has ever wandered off the right path before returning to the Father’s welcoming arms. Early Christian Allegories The Christian tradition has a long history of allegorical writing, the best known probably being John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678), which tells the story of “Christian” on his way to The Celestial City. Hannah Hurnard’s Hind’s Feet on High Places (1955), is …
Chosen For a Quest – Will You Go?
You have been chosen for a Quest. Adventure is sure to await but the path will also be perilous and filled with obstacles and enemies. Are you willing to go? Fragment of Truth in Fantasy Fiction explored how fantasy writing often reflects fragments of biblical truth. Quests are such a fragment. The fantasy genre’s most common plotline is the quest. Like Bilbo leaving his comfortable hobbit hole to join the company of Dwarves as they set off to defeat the dragon Smaug and reclaim their homeland (The Hobbit, Tolkien). Or the Pevensies stepping through the wardrobe, to be …
Interview with Joan Campbell
Today we have Joan Campbell with us, one of our newest authors to Enclave. Joan has always been captivated by stories, but it wasn’t until she read The Chronicles of Narnia to her two young daughters that she was inspired to write her own. Through C.S Lewis’ words—and particularly through the character of Aslan—she came to appreciate the powerful way in which a story can convey redemption. That was when she started writing Chains of Gwyndorr . The daughter of Dutch immigrants, Joan grew up in South Africa and the themes of discrimination and forgiveness are woven through her writing. She also …