Hey there, everybody. My name is John W. Otte, and I’m one of Marcher Lord Press’s newest authors. I wanted to take an opportunity to introduce myself to all of you. But rather than bore you with dry, biographical data, I thought I’d do something a little different. Here are ten facts about me, the first ten things that pop into my mind:
- I’m tall and pretty much always have been. I’m 6′ 6″, which means that I’ve been constantly mistaken for someone who likes basketball. Unfortunately, I lack the physical coordination to play any sport worth anything.
- I love playing video games. Maybe a little too much. My personal favorite gaming franchise (as of right now) is Mass Effect. The second game was awesome. The ending of Mass Effect 3, not so much. I thought it was so bad that I even made a video to help vent my ire about it.
- My musical tastes have changed over the years, but my favorite musical artist has remained the same: “Weird Al” Yankovic. I once went to a concert and he came out into the audience and was less than six feet away from me. I even came up with a plot for a Broadway musical inspired by his music. Hey, have you signed the petition to have him perform at the Super Bowl Halftime show yet?
- I’ve been telling stories for as long as I can remember. The first book I ever wrote was a poorly drawn comic book about stick figure aliens. It was an exercise of creative plagiarism in which I blatantly ripped off Voltron, He-Man, and Spiderman. I actually wrote about thirty or forty of these books before moving on to prose. Unfortunately, I have no idea where those books are now. I’m hoping that means they’ve been lost to the ages forever.
- I once met Gordon from Sesame Street. My brother-in-law had to meet him at the Flint airport because he was coming for some sort of children’s festival. We wound up sitting in a restaurant while he ate a meal. It was a really cool experience.
- My favorite Gospel is Luke for a variety of reasons, but mostly because Jesus is a storyteller. Out of all the parables, the Prodigal Son is my fave.
- I once witnessed a race riot that was instigated by the Ku Klux Klan. Seriously. I have pictures and everything. If you want to know the full tale, I wrote it down here.
- I majored in theatre in college. I met some wonderful people. And I even got to direct, as a student project, my favorite play in the world, A Company of Wayward Saints. It’s an awesome little play that touches in some fun themes about God, faith, and ministry. And it’s a riot to boot. If you ever get the chance to see it, do so.
- I watch waaaaaaay too much reality TV (given the plot of Failstate, is that much of a surprise?). Right now, I’m looking forward to the new season of So You Think You Can Dance. But the one that I’m ashamed to love is America’s Next Top Model. Yes, I know. I’ll turn in my man card later.
- Someday I want to write a Star Wars novel. I even have an idea for the plot.
So there you go. It’s a pleasure to meet you all and I hope we can get to know each other better.
Great idea, John. Fun blog post 🙂
#10: No way. I do too.
2, 3, & 6…right on, man. 🙂
PS-petition signed…